Tuesday, July 17, 2007

английские закладки

Клоны Digg.com


В помощь оптимизаторам.

Адалт социалки ;)

1st posted 05/04/06 - last updated 11/07/07
Removed icons due to Hotlinking. Last added Edtags, NS4W, Biooz, AutoConcourse, Dig a List, B-Boys, Web Moms Place, SlideShare, A-la-une.

There are over 380 Digg clones! (exactly 384 now.) Social web applications with an UP-YES or UP/DOWN-YES/NO voting system.

As for Social Bookmarks like del.icio.us, RawSugar, Netvouz... See here for descriptions, features and more..., there are over 200 of them!

: THE DIGG, social news community website using tags, categories and voting. [Digg Blog/RSS]


These all have the same basic features: submit, comments voting or rating.
  1. 1zone: GLBT. [+26/02/07]
  2. AmPmInsure: Insurance information/help community. [+29/01/07]
  3. AutoConcourse: NEW! cars [+06/06/07]
  4. Autospies: for automobile news. [+07/07/06]
  5. B-Boys: Hip Hop [+25/05/07]
  6. BestVoteXXX.com: Adult content. NSW. [+03/11/06]
  7. Betamarker: for beta software. [+07/09/06]
  8. : digg-style with publishing and thumshots(with a update thumbshot button) exists also in many languages. (see below) [Engine: Akarru]
  9. Community with social bookmarking. [info] [+13/07/06]
  10. Blog-Buzz: For blog posts. [+29/01/07]
  11. Bloodee: Horror Related. [+29/01/07]
  12. Blosker: digg like with the categories: Strange, Bored, Scandal and Porn. [+27/10/06]
  13. bookrevyoo: for books. [+21/09/06]
  14. Boxxnet: for bookmarks, news, books, videos...collections. [+21/09/06]
  15. bytemycode: for code snippets. [+27/07/06]
  16. Canadaka: Website for promote Canadian patriotism, nationalism, sovereignty and democracy with a section to submit, comment and rate using a 1-10 dropdown menu. Is said to have existed over 2 years. [info] [+20/08/06]
  17. Care2 News Network: digg-stye about the environment, human rights, animal welfare using tags, groups and image support. ... an extension to the community website. (Thanks to Michael L.)
  18. Catster: Submit, comment and rate cats. See also for dogs. [+13/07/06]
  19. CC Hits: for creative common music. A Ning application with comments, voting, music player and more.[+31/05/06]
  20. Citizenbay: For US local news, events, classifies and opinion using tags. Up/down voting for opinions only. [+13/11/06]
  21. Content Pop: Group of communities: technology, health, shopping... [+13/10/06]
  22. CrowdStorm: For shopping with images and voting as recomendations. [+27/10/06]
  23. Culture Popp!: for pop related.[+05/10/06]
  24. Curious Contraptions Community: A forum.
  25. Daytipper: For tips. [+20/04/07]
  26. Deal Comet: Deals and coupons, for the US, Canada and the UK. [+20/03/07]
  27. dealspl.us: For Shopping and coupons showing item photos. [RSS][+19/07/06]
  28. Dig a List: Web 2.0 [+25/05/07]
  29. DigStock: Financial news. [+11/11/06]
  30. Dissect Medicine: for medical news. [RSS][+22/05/06]
  31. Diggers: by grou.ps, a wiki based digg with thumbshots and Ajax. Let's you synchonize with del.icio.us, digg or reddit. [+22/05/06]
  32. diggtrends: Digg's mirror and a complement to Digg.com .[+10/07/06]
  33. dzone: for developers resource. With small zooming thumbshots when hovering. [+10/06/06]
  34. Dogster: Submit, comment and rate dogs. See also for cats. [+13/07/06]
  35. Edtags: NEW! Education. Based on Scuttle (?) [+10/07/07]
  36. eurogoal NEWS: Football news using tags. [+13/12/06]
  37. FLURL: For videos with up/down voting. (some NSW.) [+11/11/06]
  38. folkd: Social network and bookmarks with digg like voting and a news section. [Review][+23/07/06]
  39. FWDiton: for funny emails. [+13/11/06]
  40. gibbity: digg-style, rate and review games.
  41. humdigg: news for/by the Indian community.[+21/06/06]
  42. Hypediss: For stories, up/down voting and tags. [+12/11/06]
  43. I use This: For Mac OS X Applications.[+09/08/06]
  44. iJigg.com: For music with web players. [+29/01/07]
  45. imgppl: Photos voting. [+15/03/07]
  46. Inchicks: For girls. [+06/11/06]
  47. IndiaGram: focused on India. They have created voting system to a Scuttle engine [+17/07/06]
  48. iTalkNews: Submit, write, rate, comment, add related news and get paid. [RSS]
  49. Jossle: For political media stories. Where votes total can go in to minus, view source ranking. (said to be built on Pligg) [+20/04/07]
  50. Jump it!: For Games, PSP, Hack... related.[+06/08/06]
  51. KicksHype: All about sneakers. [+03/11/06]
  52. Law Favorites : Focused on the Law. Drupal powered.
  53. : Existed before digg, at least since 1.2.2000! digg-style with rating, has a Firefox toolbar and sidebar. [RSS]
  54. livelocker: for videos, music, and photos.
  55. LiveVideo.com: For videos. [+20/04/07]
  56. : digg-style for funny and useful links. [RSS]
  57. memigo: Text-based digg-style for articles with no categories. Find alike Users. Option for iframe browsing, user filter...[RSS]
  58. MetaFilter Projects: digg-style for self-linking projects.[RSS]
  59. MoSexIndex : digg-style by museomofsex for Adult content. sex sites - news, articles, pornsites, art, literature, humor...[+23/09/06]
  60. MOG:(Millions of games) digg-style for games with an 'e-mail this' and a 'play this' button. [RSS]
  61. motorpulse: For cars built on Ruby on Rails.[RSS]
  62. muti: reddit like for content of interest to Southern Africans or those interested in Southern Africa.[RSS]
  63. Netscape.com: Now shows digg-style social news using categories and tags...[RSS][+15/06/06]
  64. NewsBump.net and NewsBump.co.uk: digg-style for News with categories.
  65. NewsCloud: (previously CommonTimes) for news with tags, groups and images support.[02/06]
  66. Newsgrad: News. [+10/02/07]
  67. Newsvine: digg-style community for news with tags and the possibility to create your own columns(write).[RSS]
  68. newsgarbage: digg-style for technology news with up/down voting. [RSS]
  69. NippleByte: Adult content. NSW.[+11/11/06]
  70. NooZ: For MySpace members and MySpace add-on widgets. [+19/05/06]
  71. oKs!: digg-style for anything with up/down votes.[+01/06]
  72. OOZM: Search engine with digg like voting. [info][+19/06/06]
  73. Pickstation: for music podcasts with feedplayer support. [+15/07/06]
  74. picli: for any creative content [+20/04/07]
  75. Pikapet: Doggies, Kitties and other pets.
  76. Pixelmo: Video game related.[+18/07/06]
  77. Plime: An aggragator wiki with up/down voting [+13/11/06]
  78. PodcastAlley: for funny podcats. Interface is a bit different but has all the features.
  79. Protolize: Submit, review and rate web-tools. [+13/07/06]
  80. Pop Current: Categories by tyoe or file format, Music, Talk, Video, Books...[+06/08/06]
  81. qoolsqool: for educational resource for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. [RSS][+08/07/06]
  82. Quadriot: for funny, strange stories.[+30/06/06]
  83. Questionville: for voting the answers, not the questions. Has live search and sub-categories, does not support links.
  84. Reddit: digg-style with up/down voting and Karma points, exists in 23 laguages. sub-reddits have their own domain URL and can all be viewed on all.reddit. Lipstick seems to be a new one.
  85. RealEstateVoices: Real estate related.
  86. Riffs: for anything. a bit different, rating is the main 'BIG' feature with up/down voting, also supports images.
  87. Scooop.net: digg-style for special news and rewards. Does not have RSS
  88. Shoutwire: digg-style rating for news stories. Uses iframe browsing. Their LinkRolls show vote buttons.
  89. Snarf It.org: torrent indexer. (previsouly used pligg.)
  90. SlideShare: Share and view videos, slideshows, powerpoint, openoffice... [+9/05/07]
  91. Sliider: for submitting and voting photos directly (no links): for triathlon news. [+11/10/06]
  92. Spankwire: like shoutwire for Adult content. NSW. [via] [+22/05/06]
  93. Sperocite: for news [+30/07/06]
  94. SpinSpy: digg-style for any link.[+02/01/06]
  95. SportsBlink: for sports. (thanks to comment) [RSS][+22/05/06]
  96. TalkSoccer: Soccer. [+29/01/07]
  97. The Best Stuff In The World: a bit like riffs with social bookmarking. [+05/06/06]
  98. Techtagg: BETA, with adsense support. [+24/08/06]
  99. Tendango: digg-style with community collections/listing and tagging.
  100. Travelscoop: New Zealand Travel News and Travel Information. [+08/07/06]
  101. trendi: Fashion news using tags. [+29/12/06]
  102. Tribalwar: for gaming news. [+12/02/07]
  103. UmmYeah.com: Ajax-based social video & news aggregation with star voting, tags and Karma points. Also supports file upload! [RSS][+08/07/06]
  104. UrbanDictionary: Even the urbandictionary has implemented up/down voting! Has no commenting.
  105. Uvouch.com: For Links and videos. [+13/02/07]
  106. Value Investing News: Inverstment related with up/down voting. (Dupral) [+08/11/06]
  107. VCNewsCentral: Aggreagator with voting. Startup news from the blogosphere.[+31/07/06]
  108. Video Bomb: digg-style for videos.
  109. Wizag: For feeds, previously called Diggol. [review][+16/06/06]
  110. Web Feeds digg-style rating for links and videos.
  111. Wikio: Private Beta. For news, also in French. [+03/04/06]
  112. Wobblog: for blogs with Haloscan support. Open source.
  113. Wordsy: For Books. [+26/03/07]
  114. YouPickTheNews: for news with a 'in-page floating div' systeme for rating, without comments but with email notification.
  115. Zapzap: Podcast aggregator in Engliash and Japanese [review][+02/07/06]
The 'Lots of kicks' series, where you can earn with your Google Adsense ID. See here to get dotnet blog buttons.[+30/03/06]:
  1. dotnetkicks: digg-style for Microsoft development techniques, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, C++...
  2. GoogleKicks: for Google related news.[+30/03/06]
  3. kick.ie: Irish News.
  4. javakicks.com: for Java related.
  5. mackicks: Mac related.
  6. mozillakicks.com: Mozilla news.
  7. Sharepointkicks: for Microsoft SharePoint technologies.[+07/07/06]
  8. XboxKicks: digg-style for Xbox related.

↑ UP

Custom digg like services:

@Newz: Let's you create your own digg like website. Still very new, has not much documentation yet. Also has a wiki version: @wiki [+29/12/06]
  1. word77@News: Default style.
  2. chinni@News: - customized.
  3. beskidniski@News: - customized.
CrispyNews Allows you to create your own digg like community, moderate, customize and share revenue. [info] [Wiki][+18/02/06]
  1. OsViews: Technology's Opinion Barometer. - Completely customized.
  2. I dig DEALS: for deals. - customized header.
  3. Scigg 2.0: Science news. - customized.
  4. The Seduction Game: about seduction/dating material. - up/down voting buttons and thumbshots.

↑ UP

or Menéame:

, originally named Menéame in Spanish, is a free CMS with tags, plugins, templates, icons, vote buttons, language customization, podcast support and advanced user profiles with gravatars...and much more. [about Pligg] [wiki] [Clones] (Category added thanks to Damian)
  1. 2CentsNews: market-driven news. [+13/12/06]
  2. adveracio.us: For advertising. [+07/07/06]
  3. Advert Lover: For advertisements. [+13/11/06]
  4. AgentB: For deals.[+15/10/06]
  5. AllAboutSport: for sport lovers. [+04/09/06]
  6. AlternativeE.org: about alternative and renewable energy. [+01/02/07]
  7. Articlesphere: Menéamet, general. [+29/01/07]
  8. APBNews: crime news. One of the first to use Pligg. [12/2005][RSS]
  9. Astigg!: Philippine related news. [+10/03/07]
  10. BARKS=BookmARKS: for news. [+19/05/06]
  11. BestWEEKever.TV: for it's community.[+15/10/06]
  12. binarylaw.com: legal, technology. [+02/04/06]
  13. Blog Reporter: blogs. [+22/04/06]
  14. bizzbites: Pligg for business news. [+20/04/07]
  15. Bringr: for women's intrests. (Thanks to Davak) [+02/04/06]
  16. Britney: For music. [+12/11/06]
  17. business-planet.net: news.
  18. bythemasses.com: New York.
  19. Celebpops: Pligg, celebrity news. [+15/03/07]
  20. Chinamemes: Pligg, focused on Chinese internet technology. [+29/01/07]
  21. crankk: for Cycling News. Previously cycleabout.com.
  22. Cruisinaltitude Aviation News: for aviation-related news story.
  23. Daddaily: for dads. [+24/08/06]
  24. Danzai: Spanish, Menéamet for video links [+13/11/06]
  25. DealDB.com: for customers and store owners to submit coupon codes.
  26. DEALigg: for deals. [+10/10/06]
  27. ddig.biz: for developers powered content. [+19/08/06]
  28. DemoDT: for undiscovered and/or under the radar artists. [+26/02/07]
  29. Devbump: For for game developers.[+15/10/06]
  30. DealSpy: for deals, designe by zeegal[+01/08/06]
  31. DiggDex: Digg clone related. [+26/02/07]
  32. Digg-gay: Pligg, for the gay community. Also available in French [+20/04/07]

  33. DigStock: for stocks, stock exchange.
  34. EnDigg: Any news. [+09/04/07]
  35. Factivism: progressive and alternative news. -Nicely restyled. [+01/02/07]
  36. Fat Pitch News: for finance, invesment
  37. Favester: bizarre and unique links. [+01/02/07]
  38. FeedTheBull: for Bull community. [+29/01/07]
  39. FlashDevs: for Flash Developers-Designers, Actionscript Gurus and where Flex Apps are showcased. [+29/01/07]
  40. Fleshh: for erotic related.
  41. Forums of India: for any news. It's 'article' section uses pligg. [+17/07/06]
  42. Fritterware: games.[+11/11/06]
  43. fuddle-duddle: for Canadian political news with reddit like voting.
  44. funnydigg: for funny videos. [+11/08/06]
  45. Funnylee: Pligg for funny stuff. [+1/05/07]
  46. Game diggity: Game videos, previously named GameLemons.[+15/10/06]
  47. Gamerbytes: For game related stories.[+30/06/06]
  48. GameSnips: Pligg, Games. [+29/01/07]
  49. GeekCoffee: for Technology. (Under mantainance?)
  50. Gotlah: for freebies. [+24/08/06]
  51. GoobToob: for video clips [+27/07/06]
  52. Haha Hollywood: Menéamet, Celebrity. [+29/01/07]
  53. Hao Hao Report: For Chinese news. [+12/08/06]
  54. high Vibe it: Positive news. [+11/03/07]
  55. hollywoodlowdown.com: show biss, movies. (was broken)
  56. HomoMojo: For the gay community. [+24/08/06]
  57. HR salad: Human Resource related. Pligg.[+17/07/06]
  58. Hugg(BETA): For green news. Pligg (Thanks to elsa)
  59. Inbreaking(BETA): Menéamet, for links.
  60. IndianBytes: Menéamet , General. [+29/01/07]
  61. indianpad.com: Menéamet, for India news.
  62. KaBlogs: for blogging related stories.
  63. LeetDaily: Game related.[+15/10/06]
  64. LinuxFilter: for Linux related.
  65. Liszen: Pligg, for librarians. [+20/04/07]
  66. Marijua Nanation : Marijuana news and resources. [+09/04/07]
  67. marktd: Merketing. [+12/11/06]
  68. Medical Articles and News: for Medical Articles and News.
  69. Meedio Idea: for Meedio.
  70. MobilityBeat: Mobile tech news & reviews. [+13/12/06]
  71. mootion.com: for video related, colaborative Internet-Video programming guide.
  72. mogspot: Game resource for the gamers.[+15/10/06]
  73. mp3-o-rama: news and resources related to mp3.
  74. musicthump.com: music, DJs.
  75. MyThailandHotel : Pligg for travel articles about Thailand. [+26/02/07]
  76. nastygrrl: for aldult content (Thanks to mattr)
  77. Nation of Millions: Pligg. HipHop related. [+29/12/06]
  78. Naughtypower: pro wrestling news. [+26/02/07]
  79. Network Strike: security.
  80. news2: For any News. [+17/09/06]
  81. NewsKiks: For for game developers.[+15/10/06]
  82. newvoyagenews.com: travels.
  83. NexBig: Pligg. For the next big thing... [+29/12/06]
  84. NS4W:NEW! (Not safe 4 work. Organized.) Adult content, games, videos... NSW. [+01/07/07]
  85. ParrotAddict: parrots
  86. Photozook: for photos. [+24/08/06]
  87. Pimp me famous: WordPress and Pligg. To submit videos. [+07/07/06]
  88. Pixel Groovy: Tutorials. Pligg.[+24/06/06]
  89. PlugIM: Completely restyled pligg - internet marketing related. [+05/10/06]
  90. Podolicious: podcasts
  91. Pornogg: Adult content. NSW. [+29/01/07]
  92. ProProfs: NEW! Education related wibsite. Links, quizzes and flashcard sections use Meneamet. [+22/06/07]
  93. RavemySpace: Pligg, People. [+29/01/07]
  94. Riggd: Pligg for Politcal (patriot community for news and editorials). [+29/01/07]
  95. SargeNation: Dating and Seduction news. [+10/03/07]
  96. Save Social: For UK bargains, see also US version. [+18/07/06]
  97. ScoopTube: for videos.[+15/10/06]
  98. ScoreGuru.com: Sport related.[+07/11/06]
  99. SEOyak: For the SEO community. [+29/01/07]
  100. Shakk.Us: for Entertainment.
  101. Search Engin Epress: for search engins, seo, internet..,
  102. Sleightgeek Magic Social Bookmarking: Magic related.
  103. smarkwire: for pro wrestling but does not have voting.
  104. socialporn: Adult content. NSW.
  105. SportsCast : Menéamet, for sports.
  106. SportsFlip: for sports.
  107. Sportsplugs: about Sports. [+07/07/06]
  108. Splutr.com: Adult content. NSW. [+13/12/2006]
  109. SpyMy: for the South East Asia region.
  110. Staralicious: celebrity news.
  111. Stingit!!!: diversity. [+28/10/06]
  112. Suggest for: With 3 separated sections: Travel, Business and Marketing. [+13/12/2006]
  113. Sustaind.org: for LDS-oriented web pages. Apparently it first used it's own code. [+17/09/06]
  114. TagNe.ws: Pligg. Blogging, seo and web related. [+29/01/07]
  115. Take This Thought : To share thoughts. [+09/04/07]
  116. TechFeed: Menéamet, Feed technology. [+29/01/07]
  117. Thats Chillin: For videos. [+06/08/06]
  118. The Ad Review: pligg for advertisements [+21/08/06]
  119. Torrop: for torrent. [+24/08/06]
  120. Topkix: for offbeat and funny news. [+20/08/06]
  121. Top Ten Tutorials: Pligg for tutorials [+05/10/06]
  122. Trade Rock Community: for trading and sharing music news.
  123. Tutorialism: for tutorials
  124. VideoSift: The Best of Google Video and YouTube.
  125. voteallvideos.com: Get paid for submitting funny and interesting videos. [+03/11/06]
  126. Votesexy: Menéamet for sexy videos. NSW [+12/02/07]
  127. Web Moms Place: Pligg for moms. [+25/05/07]
  128. Web Pages That Suck: ...about Bad Web Sites That Suck[+13/10/06]
  129. Wiigg: game related. [+13/10/06]
  130. Wine Life Today: Wine related. [+13/10/06]
  131. Wrigg: Content and Article Writing. [+13/12/2006]
  132. Zeropaid: for Bittorrent and p2p.

↑ UP

Other Languages:

  1. .N T.P.Y.: Turkish digg-style for Videos.
  2. @News: Japanese digg-style for news.
  3. 5dig.net: Chinese. [+29/04/07]
  4. Baay!: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  5. Bagook: German [via] [+18/06/06]
  6. Blog Memes: Spanish, also exists in French, Portugesee, Japanese, English ( listed above) and Belgium.
  7. Blogasty: French for blogs with +/- buttons. [+20/04/07]
  8. Bluegger : French, news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  9. Brevissime!: Italian, for news powered by symfony [+29/07/06]
  10. Buzzcn: Chinese Digg. [+12/08/06][via]
  11. Choix: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  12. cndigg.com: Chineses digg, same style interface has trackback.
  13. CoRich Newsclip: Japanese digg style, is an extension to corich social bookmark service.
  14. Creabits: Spanish for any news. [+30/06/06]
  15. CSSlook: Korean, Public bookmarking, nice designe for nice designes.
  16. dingr: Chinese digg-style.
  17. dirty.ru: Russian. [+13/03/07]
  18. Douban: Chinese, for books, music and videos. [via]
  19. digsky.net: Chinese digg-style. [+12/11/06]
  20. Ec Navi: Japanese digg-style for news.
  21. eKudos: Dutch, general - Ruby On Rails powered. [+13/11/06]
  22. eu curti: Brzilian digg-style.
  23. Fresqui(Beta): Spanish digg-style for technology, has 2 websites. [17/03/06]
  24. Fuzz: French, digg-style for news.
  25. Fortune.ccw.com.cn: Chinese digg-style.
  26. Gmiix: French, French and world news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  27. Gwar: Polish digg-style with +/-.
  28. Habrahabr: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  29. hadash-hot: Israeli digg-style. [+09/08/06]
  30. Hot Ru.net: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  31. i170.com: Chinese, for the i170.com community. [+27/10/06]
  32. ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
  33. Kilasan: Indonesian, for any news.[+06/07/06]
  34. Knews: Chinese digg-style for news.[+15/10/06]
  35. Krtica: Croatian digg-style.
  36. LinkPost excite: Japanese digg-style, for any links. By Excite.co.jp portal.
  37. Linkter: Hugarian digg-style.
  38. livedoor Clip: Japanese digg-style, for any link. [+06/07/06]
  39. Markit: French, technology related. [+08/02/07]
  40. MarkeZine: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  41. MSN Reporter: By MSN. French (Belgium), Norwegian and Dutch. [15/02/07]
  42. neodiario.net: Spanish, computer and web related. - opensource. [+13/11/06]
  43. MyScoop: Russian digg-style.
  44. news2.ru: Russian digg-style for news, uses hierachical categories.
  45. NewsFilter: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  46. Newsland: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  47. newsing: Japanese, for news with different style voting buttons. [+27/07/06]
  48. NUOUZ: French digg-style for news.
  49. OKNotizie: Italian for news using Ajax. Blog button code here. [+04/06/06]
  50. Oui-News.com: Chinese digg-style.
  51. Overmundo: Brazil, with media support and tags. [+12/11/06]
  52. Pioche: French digg for technology, science and cultural news. [+16/03/07]
  53. Populicias.com: Spanish digg-style.
  54. que pasa ?: Digg-style for local news with podcast support. French.
  55. Qooqle Video Clippers: Japanese for Videos. [+02/09/06]
  56. Qopo: Chinese. [+13/10/06]
  57. Rec6: Brasil. [+11/11/06]
  58. Reddit: For bg, ca (Spanish catalan), de, eo(Esperanto), eu, es, fr, hu, hy, id, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, tr, vi and zh!
  59. RUmarkz: Russian digg-style.
  60. subela.net: Spanish, For news per contry (Argentina, Brazil,Chili, Comlombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela) [+20/04/07]
  61. Scoopeo: French digg-style where you can win prizes.
  62. SMI2: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  63. Spotplex.com: French, considered as a digg like but shows views instead of vote buttons. [+20/04/07]
  64. Tag River: Chinese digg-style.
  65. Technotizie: Italian for hi-tech [+20/04/07]
  66. Tipt: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  67. Tutmarks: French, for tutorials with Gavatar support. [+27/10/06]
  68. wapher: Arabe digg-style for news.
  69. webnews.de: German.
  70. YiGG.de: German digg-clone formerly called digg.de
  71. Yuying.jp: Japanese, general.
  72. vottie: Chinese digg-style aggregator for videos. [+19/06/06][via]
  73. ZoomZik: French for music. [+20/04/07]

↑ UP

Pligg or Méneame Other Languages:

  1. A-la-une: French pligg general.[+9/5/07]
  2. Acelérame: Spanish, motor.
  3. Alalza: Argentina, pligg for economics related.[+15/10/06]
  4. AllActu.com: French, general.
  5. Astroadictos: Spanish, astronomy. Méneame
  6. Banerzhuan: Chinese Pligg.
  7. bifri: Spanish [+22/07/06]
  8. Biooz: NEW! French Pligg, biodiversity. [+7/07/07]
  9. Blogitic: French Pligg, national and international politics. [+17/03/07]
  10. chuza.org: Galician, general.
  11. ciudadastur: Spanish, for asturian news. [31/08/06]
  12. Colivia: German. [+10/03/07]
  13. concursae: Spanish, for contests in Spain and South America. [23/03/07]
  14. Diggar.se: Swedish [+10/07/06]
  15. diggba: Chinese.
  16. Digg.lv: Latvia (thank you hellijs)
  17. DoMelhor: Portugesee digg-style for news.
  18. DjSessions: for DJ, music related stories.
  19. Electrovesti: Pligg, Russian. [+10/02/07]
  20. Enchilame: For Mexican politics and technology. [+02/07/06]
  21. Enosotras: Only for Shes. [+02/07/06]
  22. eucurti.com.br: general, Portugesee
  23. Geritsel in het struikgewas: Dutch for belgium news. [+13/10/06]
  24. hazmereir: Meneame, Spanish for news. [+20/04/07]

  25. li> hipootecas: Spanish for mortage. [+13/10/06]
  26. Ingeniando: Architecture, Spanish.
  27. ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
  28. InterNetMedia.hu: general, Hungarian
  29. joomla.com.es: Joomla, CMS, Spanish.
  30. K2W: Spanish, technology. [+26/02/07]
  31. kerro.fi: Finish. [+03/11/06]
  32. kackyou.de: German for videos. [+06/11/06]
  33. KUDD.net: Thai Pligg. [+26/02/07]
  34. Ladrillos y bits: Spanish for arcitchture related. [+13/10/06]
  35. Laberbrett: German pligg
  36. Lesr: German, general. [via] [+13/10/06]
  37. linkk.com.br: technology, Portugese
  38. livedigg: Chinese diggstyle for news.[via]
  39. Marchate: Spanish for Travel.
  40. Marketingrama.info: French for merketing using an Andreasviklund theme. [+17/07/06]
  41. MENÉAME: Spanish, for blogs. The original source of Pligg.
  42. menearailes.com: RubyonRails, Spanish.
  43. Microsia: Indonaesian Pigg. [+24/08/06]
  44. miopinion.com: general, Spanish.
  45. mipcdebolsillo: Mobile, wireless technology. Spanish.
  46. moongift Clip: Japanese Pligg for computer related. Side service to the moongift website.
  47. movilizame: Spanish for mobile related. [+13/10/06]
  48. mumor: Humour, Spanish.
  49. Mundo VoIP: VoIP, Spanish.
  50. neodiario.net: tecnologia, Spanish.
  51. noticias.fotoadictos.com: photography, Spanish.
  52. Noticias.Kesar.org: general, Spanish.
  53. Numarketing: Dutch, marketing/advertising. [+10/03/07]
  54. Open Source: OpenSource, Japanese
  55. Ouvi Dizer: general, Portugesee
  56. paeva.net: general, Estonian
  57. Pezones Negros: Spanish. Human rights, manipulation, abuse, ... [31/08/06]
  58. Rauru-block.org: Japanese, for technology where each entry has trackback.
  59. Horno Recetaria: Spanish, cooking, recipies.
  60. Shaveh.co.il: general, Hebrew.
  61. Sovrat: Swedish. [+26/02/07]
  62. TapeMoi!: French digg-style for news.
  63. Tollbo: Swedish, videos. [+10/03/07]
  64. Tùniti: Spanish, for comics, manga.
  65. Tuteame: general, Spanish.
  66. TV adictos: Spanish, for television.
  67. Viadescape: journalism, Spanish.
  68. Votala: general, Spanish.
  69. Vous et la RATP: NEW! French Pligg, RAPT (french transportion). [+7/07/07]
  70. wykop.pl: Polish digg like with gravatar support. [+02/08/06][via]
  71. ygriega.net: Spanish, for leisure.
  72. Zabaldu: Basque, general.

↑ UP


  1. AnnoyingCoworker.com: Write public Messages about coworkers most annoying habits and get it rated or email it anonymously.
  2. aworldofhelp: Q&A and link submission, requires to login to see the rating button.
  3. Cluztr beta: For chatting and more, instead of voting buttond shows how many users are on a page. English [+20/04/07]
  4. Exclaimable!: For creating media where viewers can vote.[+11/11/06]
  5. Listible!: for listing where voting resorts each item, the most '+voted' links are at the top of the page. List commenting, not each item. Has tags. Listed also here
  6. hubpages.com: Same kind as the above, with Google adsense support. [+12/08/06]
  7. votelists: Same systeme as listible! with -/+ buttons. [+29/07/06]
  8. FARK.com: has no voting/rating system
  9. Gabbr: social news community with different concept.
  10. rssbit: Online RSS reader with digg like buttons showing number of subscribers. [+15/03/07]
  11. Kepty: Between Slashdot and digg, for writing and submitting. Rating only visible from comments page.
  12. Slashdot: An other kind of social news website. It also has submit and commenting, no digg like voting but karma points. Some Slashdot-likes are: OhMyNews, barrapunto Spanish (Spanish), SlashIndia (India).
  13. Tagtooga: Public bookmark dirctory with voting and many other features, see here.
  14. Trouw: Dutch, a map with social digg-like voting.
  15. SkimCSS: CSS related, used to use a digg like voting system, looks like pligg's skidoo style but now has drop down rating menus.
  16. SearchMob: A blog using pligg.
  17. walk2web: This is much more, it lets you 'walk the web' with tree visualization and preview...and up down voting of course. - Very cool!

↑ UP

For getting a digg clone yourself, see here

Have I missed any?
If you happen to see one missing, know a new digg like website startup or is starting one yourself, please le me know by leaving a comment. Thanks! Danke! Merci! :)

↑ UP

You may also want to see:

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★★★★★ Digg is a social and democratic news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging and RSS where the users decide which story gets on the front page by voting.

Link thumbnails by lab.arc90.com

PS: Sorry, the commenting system on this post does not seem to function (235 comments is maybe too much?), meanwhile I try to access them please leave them on an other poste. Thank you.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

польза от спама

После прогона по каталогам одного туристического сайта на свежезареганый е-майл (надеюсь никто не "светит" при сабмите свое рабочее мыло) на Яндексе стал приходить спам в количестве 5-10 писем. Забрасывать совсем это мыло не хочется так, как на него приходят иногда дельные предложения по обмену. Кроме обычного спама приходят "рассылки"(отписаться все равно нельзя) от различных турфирм. Рассылка ведется примитивнейшим образом: в почтовик вбивается список адресатов и отправляется. В результате каждый из адресатов получает список остальных несчастных. Более счастливыми они от этого не станут, потому что собрав и обработав этот список за месяц можно поиметь бесплатный список турфирм для организации своей рассылки.