Tuesday, July 17, 2007

английские закладки

Клоны Digg.com


В помощь оптимизаторам.

Адалт социалки ;)

1st posted 05/04/06 - last updated 11/07/07
Removed icons due to Hotlinking. Last added Edtags, NS4W, Biooz, AutoConcourse, Dig a List, B-Boys, Web Moms Place, SlideShare, A-la-une.

There are over 380 Digg clones! (exactly 384 now.) Social web applications with an UP-YES or UP/DOWN-YES/NO voting system.

As for Social Bookmarks like del.icio.us, RawSugar, Netvouz... See here for descriptions, features and more..., there are over 200 of them!

: THE DIGG, social news community website using tags, categories and voting. [Digg Blog/RSS]


These all have the same basic features: submit, comments voting or rating.
  1. 1zone: GLBT. [+26/02/07]
  2. AmPmInsure: Insurance information/help community. [+29/01/07]
  3. AutoConcourse: NEW! cars [+06/06/07]
  4. Autospies: for automobile news. [+07/07/06]
  5. B-Boys: Hip Hop [+25/05/07]
  6. BestVoteXXX.com: Adult content. NSW. [+03/11/06]
  7. Betamarker: for beta software. [+07/09/06]
  8. : digg-style with publishing and thumshots(with a update thumbshot button) exists also in many languages. (see below) [Engine: Akarru]
  9. Community with social bookmarking. [info] [+13/07/06]
  10. Blog-Buzz: For blog posts. [+29/01/07]
  11. Bloodee: Horror Related. [+29/01/07]
  12. Blosker: digg like with the categories: Strange, Bored, Scandal and Porn. [+27/10/06]
  13. bookrevyoo: for books. [+21/09/06]
  14. Boxxnet: for bookmarks, news, books, videos...collections. [+21/09/06]
  15. bytemycode: for code snippets. [+27/07/06]
  16. Canadaka: Website for promote Canadian patriotism, nationalism, sovereignty and democracy with a section to submit, comment and rate using a 1-10 dropdown menu. Is said to have existed over 2 years. [info] [+20/08/06]
  17. Care2 News Network: digg-stye about the environment, human rights, animal welfare using tags, groups and image support. ... an extension to the community website. (Thanks to Michael L.)
  18. Catster: Submit, comment and rate cats. See also for dogs. [+13/07/06]
  19. CC Hits: for creative common music. A Ning application with comments, voting, music player and more.[+31/05/06]
  20. Citizenbay: For US local news, events, classifies and opinion using tags. Up/down voting for opinions only. [+13/11/06]
  21. Content Pop: Group of communities: technology, health, shopping... [+13/10/06]
  22. CrowdStorm: For shopping with images and voting as recomendations. [+27/10/06]
  23. Culture Popp!: for pop related.[+05/10/06]
  24. Curious Contraptions Community: A forum.
  25. Daytipper: For tips. [+20/04/07]
  26. Deal Comet: Deals and coupons, for the US, Canada and the UK. [+20/03/07]
  27. dealspl.us: For Shopping and coupons showing item photos. [RSS][+19/07/06]
  28. Dig a List: Web 2.0 [+25/05/07]
  29. DigStock: Financial news. [+11/11/06]
  30. Dissect Medicine: for medical news. [RSS][+22/05/06]
  31. Diggers: by grou.ps, a wiki based digg with thumbshots and Ajax. Let's you synchonize with del.icio.us, digg or reddit. [+22/05/06]
  32. diggtrends: Digg's mirror and a complement to Digg.com .[+10/07/06]
  33. dzone: for developers resource. With small zooming thumbshots when hovering. [+10/06/06]
  34. Dogster: Submit, comment and rate dogs. See also for cats. [+13/07/06]
  35. Edtags: NEW! Education. Based on Scuttle (?) [+10/07/07]
  36. eurogoal NEWS: Football news using tags. [+13/12/06]
  37. FLURL: For videos with up/down voting. (some NSW.) [+11/11/06]
  38. folkd: Social network and bookmarks with digg like voting and a news section. [Review][+23/07/06]
  39. FWDiton: for funny emails. [+13/11/06]
  40. gibbity: digg-style, rate and review games.
  41. humdigg: news for/by the Indian community.[+21/06/06]
  42. Hypediss: For stories, up/down voting and tags. [+12/11/06]
  43. I use This: For Mac OS X Applications.[+09/08/06]
  44. iJigg.com: For music with web players. [+29/01/07]
  45. imgppl: Photos voting. [+15/03/07]
  46. Inchicks: For girls. [+06/11/06]
  47. IndiaGram: focused on India. They have created voting system to a Scuttle engine [+17/07/06]
  48. iTalkNews: Submit, write, rate, comment, add related news and get paid. [RSS]
  49. Jossle: For political media stories. Where votes total can go in to minus, view source ranking. (said to be built on Pligg) [+20/04/07]
  50. Jump it!: For Games, PSP, Hack... related.[+06/08/06]
  51. KicksHype: All about sneakers. [+03/11/06]
  52. Law Favorites : Focused on the Law. Drupal powered.
  53. : Existed before digg, at least since 1.2.2000! digg-style with rating, has a Firefox toolbar and sidebar. [RSS]
  54. livelocker: for videos, music, and photos.
  55. LiveVideo.com: For videos. [+20/04/07]
  56. : digg-style for funny and useful links. [RSS]
  57. memigo: Text-based digg-style for articles with no categories. Find alike Users. Option for iframe browsing, user filter...[RSS]
  58. MetaFilter Projects: digg-style for self-linking projects.[RSS]
  59. MoSexIndex : digg-style by museomofsex for Adult content. sex sites - news, articles, pornsites, art, literature, humor...[+23/09/06]
  60. MOG:(Millions of games) digg-style for games with an 'e-mail this' and a 'play this' button. [RSS]
  61. motorpulse: For cars built on Ruby on Rails.[RSS]
  62. muti: reddit like for content of interest to Southern Africans or those interested in Southern Africa.[RSS]
  63. Netscape.com: Now shows digg-style social news using categories and tags...[RSS][+15/06/06]
  64. NewsBump.net and NewsBump.co.uk: digg-style for News with categories.
  65. NewsCloud: (previously CommonTimes) for news with tags, groups and images support.[02/06]
  66. Newsgrad: News. [+10/02/07]
  67. Newsvine: digg-style community for news with tags and the possibility to create your own columns(write).[RSS]
  68. newsgarbage: digg-style for technology news with up/down voting. [RSS]
  69. NippleByte: Adult content. NSW.[+11/11/06]
  70. NooZ: For MySpace members and MySpace add-on widgets. [+19/05/06]
  71. oKs!: digg-style for anything with up/down votes.[+01/06]
  72. OOZM: Search engine with digg like voting. [info][+19/06/06]
  73. Pickstation: for music podcasts with feedplayer support. [+15/07/06]
  74. picli: for any creative content [+20/04/07]
  75. Pikapet: Doggies, Kitties and other pets.
  76. Pixelmo: Video game related.[+18/07/06]
  77. Plime: An aggragator wiki with up/down voting [+13/11/06]
  78. PodcastAlley: for funny podcats. Interface is a bit different but has all the features.
  79. Protolize: Submit, review and rate web-tools. [+13/07/06]
  80. Pop Current: Categories by tyoe or file format, Music, Talk, Video, Books...[+06/08/06]
  81. qoolsqool: for educational resource for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. [RSS][+08/07/06]
  82. Quadriot: for funny, strange stories.[+30/06/06]
  83. Questionville: for voting the answers, not the questions. Has live search and sub-categories, does not support links.
  84. Reddit: digg-style with up/down voting and Karma points, exists in 23 laguages. sub-reddits have their own domain URL and can all be viewed on all.reddit. Lipstick seems to be a new one.
  85. RealEstateVoices: Real estate related.
  86. Riffs: for anything. a bit different, rating is the main 'BIG' feature with up/down voting, also supports images.
  87. Scooop.net: digg-style for special news and rewards. Does not have RSS
  88. Shoutwire: digg-style rating for news stories. Uses iframe browsing. Their LinkRolls show vote buttons.
  89. Snarf It.org: torrent indexer. (previsouly used pligg.)
  90. SlideShare: Share and view videos, slideshows, powerpoint, openoffice... [+9/05/07]
  91. Sliider: for submitting and voting photos directly (no links): for triathlon news. [+11/10/06]
  92. Spankwire: like shoutwire for Adult content. NSW. [via] [+22/05/06]
  93. Sperocite: for news [+30/07/06]
  94. SpinSpy: digg-style for any link.[+02/01/06]
  95. SportsBlink: for sports. (thanks to comment) [RSS][+22/05/06]
  96. TalkSoccer: Soccer. [+29/01/07]
  97. The Best Stuff In The World: a bit like riffs with social bookmarking. [+05/06/06]
  98. Techtagg: BETA, with adsense support. [+24/08/06]
  99. Tendango: digg-style with community collections/listing and tagging.
  100. Travelscoop: New Zealand Travel News and Travel Information. [+08/07/06]
  101. trendi: Fashion news using tags. [+29/12/06]
  102. Tribalwar: for gaming news. [+12/02/07]
  103. UmmYeah.com: Ajax-based social video & news aggregation with star voting, tags and Karma points. Also supports file upload! [RSS][+08/07/06]
  104. UrbanDictionary: Even the urbandictionary has implemented up/down voting! Has no commenting.
  105. Uvouch.com: For Links and videos. [+13/02/07]
  106. Value Investing News: Inverstment related with up/down voting. (Dupral) [+08/11/06]
  107. VCNewsCentral: Aggreagator with voting. Startup news from the blogosphere.[+31/07/06]
  108. Video Bomb: digg-style for videos.
  109. Wizag: For feeds, previously called Diggol. [review][+16/06/06]
  110. Web Feeds digg-style rating for links and videos.
  111. Wikio: Private Beta. For news, also in French. [+03/04/06]
  112. Wobblog: for blogs with Haloscan support. Open source.
  113. Wordsy: For Books. [+26/03/07]
  114. YouPickTheNews: for news with a 'in-page floating div' systeme for rating, without comments but with email notification.
  115. Zapzap: Podcast aggregator in Engliash and Japanese [review][+02/07/06]
The 'Lots of kicks' series, where you can earn with your Google Adsense ID. See here to get dotnet blog buttons.[+30/03/06]:
  1. dotnetkicks: digg-style for Microsoft development techniques, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, C++...
  2. GoogleKicks: for Google related news.[+30/03/06]
  3. kick.ie: Irish News.
  4. javakicks.com: for Java related.
  5. mackicks: Mac related.
  6. mozillakicks.com: Mozilla news.
  7. Sharepointkicks: for Microsoft SharePoint technologies.[+07/07/06]
  8. XboxKicks: digg-style for Xbox related.

↑ UP

Custom digg like services:

@Newz: Let's you create your own digg like website. Still very new, has not much documentation yet. Also has a wiki version: @wiki [+29/12/06]
  1. word77@News: Default style.
  2. chinni@News: - customized.
  3. beskidniski@News: - customized.
CrispyNews Allows you to create your own digg like community, moderate, customize and share revenue. [info] [Wiki][+18/02/06]
  1. OsViews: Technology's Opinion Barometer. - Completely customized.
  2. I dig DEALS: for deals. - customized header.
  3. Scigg 2.0: Science news. - customized.
  4. The Seduction Game: about seduction/dating material. - up/down voting buttons and thumbshots.

↑ UP

or Menéame:

, originally named Menéame in Spanish, is a free CMS with tags, plugins, templates, icons, vote buttons, language customization, podcast support and advanced user profiles with gravatars...and much more. [about Pligg] [wiki] [Clones] (Category added thanks to Damian)
  1. 2CentsNews: market-driven news. [+13/12/06]
  2. adveracio.us: For advertising. [+07/07/06]
  3. Advert Lover: For advertisements. [+13/11/06]
  4. AgentB: For deals.[+15/10/06]
  5. AllAboutSport: for sport lovers. [+04/09/06]
  6. AlternativeE.org: about alternative and renewable energy. [+01/02/07]
  7. Articlesphere: Menéamet, general. [+29/01/07]
  8. APBNews: crime news. One of the first to use Pligg. [12/2005][RSS]
  9. Astigg!: Philippine related news. [+10/03/07]
  10. BARKS=BookmARKS: for news. [+19/05/06]
  11. BestWEEKever.TV: for it's community.[+15/10/06]
  12. binarylaw.com: legal, technology. [+02/04/06]
  13. Blog Reporter: blogs. [+22/04/06]
  14. bizzbites: Pligg for business news. [+20/04/07]
  15. Bringr: for women's intrests. (Thanks to Davak) [+02/04/06]
  16. Britney: For music. [+12/11/06]
  17. business-planet.net: news.
  18. bythemasses.com: New York.
  19. Celebpops: Pligg, celebrity news. [+15/03/07]
  20. Chinamemes: Pligg, focused on Chinese internet technology. [+29/01/07]
  21. crankk: for Cycling News. Previously cycleabout.com.
  22. Cruisinaltitude Aviation News: for aviation-related news story.
  23. Daddaily: for dads. [+24/08/06]
  24. Danzai: Spanish, Menéamet for video links [+13/11/06]
  25. DealDB.com: for customers and store owners to submit coupon codes.
  26. DEALigg: for deals. [+10/10/06]
  27. ddig.biz: for developers powered content. [+19/08/06]
  28. DemoDT: for undiscovered and/or under the radar artists. [+26/02/07]
  29. Devbump: For for game developers.[+15/10/06]
  30. DealSpy: for deals, designe by zeegal[+01/08/06]
  31. DiggDex: Digg clone related. [+26/02/07]
  32. Digg-gay: Pligg, for the gay community. Also available in French [+20/04/07]

  33. DigStock: for stocks, stock exchange.
  34. EnDigg: Any news. [+09/04/07]
  35. Factivism: progressive and alternative news. -Nicely restyled. [+01/02/07]
  36. Fat Pitch News: for finance, invesment
  37. Favester: bizarre and unique links. [+01/02/07]
  38. FeedTheBull: for Bull community. [+29/01/07]
  39. FlashDevs: for Flash Developers-Designers, Actionscript Gurus and where Flex Apps are showcased. [+29/01/07]
  40. Fleshh: for erotic related.
  41. Forums of India: for any news. It's 'article' section uses pligg. [+17/07/06]
  42. Fritterware: games.[+11/11/06]
  43. fuddle-duddle: for Canadian political news with reddit like voting.
  44. funnydigg: for funny videos. [+11/08/06]
  45. Funnylee: Pligg for funny stuff. [+1/05/07]
  46. Game diggity: Game videos, previously named GameLemons.[+15/10/06]
  47. Gamerbytes: For game related stories.[+30/06/06]
  48. GameSnips: Pligg, Games. [+29/01/07]
  49. GeekCoffee: for Technology. (Under mantainance?)
  50. Gotlah: for freebies. [+24/08/06]
  51. GoobToob: for video clips [+27/07/06]
  52. Haha Hollywood: Menéamet, Celebrity. [+29/01/07]
  53. Hao Hao Report: For Chinese news. [+12/08/06]
  54. high Vibe it: Positive news. [+11/03/07]
  55. hollywoodlowdown.com: show biss, movies. (was broken)
  56. HomoMojo: For the gay community. [+24/08/06]
  57. HR salad: Human Resource related. Pligg.[+17/07/06]
  58. Hugg(BETA): For green news. Pligg (Thanks to elsa)
  59. Inbreaking(BETA): Menéamet, for links.
  60. IndianBytes: Menéamet , General. [+29/01/07]
  61. indianpad.com: Menéamet, for India news.
  62. KaBlogs: for blogging related stories.
  63. LeetDaily: Game related.[+15/10/06]
  64. LinuxFilter: for Linux related.
  65. Liszen: Pligg, for librarians. [+20/04/07]
  66. Marijua Nanation : Marijuana news and resources. [+09/04/07]
  67. marktd: Merketing. [+12/11/06]
  68. Medical Articles and News: for Medical Articles and News.
  69. Meedio Idea: for Meedio.
  70. MobilityBeat: Mobile tech news & reviews. [+13/12/06]
  71. mootion.com: for video related, colaborative Internet-Video programming guide.
  72. mogspot: Game resource for the gamers.[+15/10/06]
  73. mp3-o-rama: news and resources related to mp3.
  74. musicthump.com: music, DJs.
  75. MyThailandHotel : Pligg for travel articles about Thailand. [+26/02/07]
  76. nastygrrl: for aldult content (Thanks to mattr)
  77. Nation of Millions: Pligg. HipHop related. [+29/12/06]
  78. Naughtypower: pro wrestling news. [+26/02/07]
  79. Network Strike: security.
  80. news2: For any News. [+17/09/06]
  81. NewsKiks: For for game developers.[+15/10/06]
  82. newvoyagenews.com: travels.
  83. NexBig: Pligg. For the next big thing... [+29/12/06]
  84. NS4W:NEW! (Not safe 4 work. Organized.) Adult content, games, videos... NSW. [+01/07/07]
  85. ParrotAddict: parrots
  86. Photozook: for photos. [+24/08/06]
  87. Pimp me famous: WordPress and Pligg. To submit videos. [+07/07/06]
  88. Pixel Groovy: Tutorials. Pligg.[+24/06/06]
  89. PlugIM: Completely restyled pligg - internet marketing related. [+05/10/06]
  90. Podolicious: podcasts
  91. Pornogg: Adult content. NSW. [+29/01/07]
  92. ProProfs: NEW! Education related wibsite. Links, quizzes and flashcard sections use Meneamet. [+22/06/07]
  93. RavemySpace: Pligg, People. [+29/01/07]
  94. Riggd: Pligg for Politcal (patriot community for news and editorials). [+29/01/07]
  95. SargeNation: Dating and Seduction news. [+10/03/07]
  96. Save Social: For UK bargains, see also US version. [+18/07/06]
  97. ScoopTube: for videos.[+15/10/06]
  98. ScoreGuru.com: Sport related.[+07/11/06]
  99. SEOyak: For the SEO community. [+29/01/07]
  100. Shakk.Us: for Entertainment.
  101. Search Engin Epress: for search engins, seo, internet..,
  102. Sleightgeek Magic Social Bookmarking: Magic related.
  103. smarkwire: for pro wrestling but does not have voting.
  104. socialporn: Adult content. NSW.
  105. SportsCast : Menéamet, for sports.
  106. SportsFlip: for sports.
  107. Sportsplugs: about Sports. [+07/07/06]
  108. Splutr.com: Adult content. NSW. [+13/12/2006]
  109. SpyMy: for the South East Asia region.
  110. Staralicious: celebrity news.
  111. Stingit!!!: diversity. [+28/10/06]
  112. Suggest for: With 3 separated sections: Travel, Business and Marketing. [+13/12/2006]
  113. Sustaind.org: for LDS-oriented web pages. Apparently it first used it's own code. [+17/09/06]
  114. TagNe.ws: Pligg. Blogging, seo and web related. [+29/01/07]
  115. Take This Thought : To share thoughts. [+09/04/07]
  116. TechFeed: Menéamet, Feed technology. [+29/01/07]
  117. Thats Chillin: For videos. [+06/08/06]
  118. The Ad Review: pligg for advertisements [+21/08/06]
  119. Torrop: for torrent. [+24/08/06]
  120. Topkix: for offbeat and funny news. [+20/08/06]
  121. Top Ten Tutorials: Pligg for tutorials [+05/10/06]
  122. Trade Rock Community: for trading and sharing music news.
  123. Tutorialism: for tutorials
  124. VideoSift: The Best of Google Video and YouTube.
  125. voteallvideos.com: Get paid for submitting funny and interesting videos. [+03/11/06]
  126. Votesexy: Menéamet for sexy videos. NSW [+12/02/07]
  127. Web Moms Place: Pligg for moms. [+25/05/07]
  128. Web Pages That Suck: ...about Bad Web Sites That Suck[+13/10/06]
  129. Wiigg: game related. [+13/10/06]
  130. Wine Life Today: Wine related. [+13/10/06]
  131. Wrigg: Content and Article Writing. [+13/12/2006]
  132. Zeropaid: for Bittorrent and p2p.

↑ UP

Other Languages:

  1. .N T.P.Y.: Turkish digg-style for Videos.
  2. @News: Japanese digg-style for news.
  3. 5dig.net: Chinese. [+29/04/07]
  4. Baay!: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  5. Bagook: German [via] [+18/06/06]
  6. Blog Memes: Spanish, also exists in French, Portugesee, Japanese, English ( listed above) and Belgium.
  7. Blogasty: French for blogs with +/- buttons. [+20/04/07]
  8. Bluegger : French, news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  9. Brevissime!: Italian, for news powered by symfony [+29/07/06]
  10. Buzzcn: Chinese Digg. [+12/08/06][via]
  11. Choix: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  12. cndigg.com: Chineses digg, same style interface has trackback.
  13. CoRich Newsclip: Japanese digg style, is an extension to corich social bookmark service.
  14. Creabits: Spanish for any news. [+30/06/06]
  15. CSSlook: Korean, Public bookmarking, nice designe for nice designes.
  16. dingr: Chinese digg-style.
  17. dirty.ru: Russian. [+13/03/07]
  18. Douban: Chinese, for books, music and videos. [via]
  19. digsky.net: Chinese digg-style. [+12/11/06]
  20. Ec Navi: Japanese digg-style for news.
  21. eKudos: Dutch, general - Ruby On Rails powered. [+13/11/06]
  22. eu curti: Brzilian digg-style.
  23. Fresqui(Beta): Spanish digg-style for technology, has 2 websites. [17/03/06]
  24. Fuzz: French, digg-style for news.
  25. Fortune.ccw.com.cn: Chinese digg-style.
  26. Gmiix: French, French and world news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  27. Gwar: Polish digg-style with +/-.
  28. Habrahabr: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  29. hadash-hot: Israeli digg-style. [+09/08/06]
  30. Hot Ru.net: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  31. i170.com: Chinese, for the i170.com community. [+27/10/06]
  32. ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
  33. Kilasan: Indonesian, for any news.[+06/07/06]
  34. Knews: Chinese digg-style for news.[+15/10/06]
  35. Krtica: Croatian digg-style.
  36. LinkPost excite: Japanese digg-style, for any links. By Excite.co.jp portal.
  37. Linkter: Hugarian digg-style.
  38. livedoor Clip: Japanese digg-style, for any link. [+06/07/06]
  39. Markit: French, technology related. [+08/02/07]
  40. MarkeZine: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  41. MSN Reporter: By MSN. French (Belgium), Norwegian and Dutch. [15/02/07]
  42. neodiario.net: Spanish, computer and web related. - opensource. [+13/11/06]
  43. MyScoop: Russian digg-style.
  44. news2.ru: Russian digg-style for news, uses hierachical categories.
  45. NewsFilter: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  46. Newsland: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  47. newsing: Japanese, for news with different style voting buttons. [+27/07/06]
  48. NUOUZ: French digg-style for news.
  49. OKNotizie: Italian for news using Ajax. Blog button code here. [+04/06/06]
  50. Oui-News.com: Chinese digg-style.
  51. Overmundo: Brazil, with media support and tags. [+12/11/06]
  52. Pioche: French digg for technology, science and cultural news. [+16/03/07]
  53. Populicias.com: Spanish digg-style.
  54. que pasa ?: Digg-style for local news with podcast support. French.
  55. Qooqle Video Clippers: Japanese for Videos. [+02/09/06]
  56. Qopo: Chinese. [+13/10/06]
  57. Rec6: Brasil. [+11/11/06]
  58. Reddit: For bg, ca (Spanish catalan), de, eo(Esperanto), eu, es, fr, hu, hy, id, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, tr, vi and zh!
  59. RUmarkz: Russian digg-style.
  60. subela.net: Spanish, For news per contry (Argentina, Brazil,Chili, Comlombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela) [+20/04/07]
  61. Scoopeo: French digg-style where you can win prizes.
  62. SMI2: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  63. Spotplex.com: French, considered as a digg like but shows views instead of vote buttons. [+20/04/07]
  64. Tag River: Chinese digg-style.
  65. Technotizie: Italian for hi-tech [+20/04/07]
  66. Tipt: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  67. Tutmarks: French, for tutorials with Gavatar support. [+27/10/06]
  68. wapher: Arabe digg-style for news.
  69. webnews.de: German.
  70. YiGG.de: German digg-clone formerly called digg.de
  71. Yuying.jp: Japanese, general.
  72. vottie: Chinese digg-style aggregator for videos. [+19/06/06][via]
  73. ZoomZik: French for music. [+20/04/07]

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Pligg or Méneame Other Languages:

  1. A-la-une: French pligg general.[+9/5/07]
  2. Acelérame: Spanish, motor.
  3. Alalza: Argentina, pligg for economics related.[+15/10/06]
  4. AllActu.com: French, general.
  5. Astroadictos: Spanish, astronomy. Méneame
  6. Banerzhuan: Chinese Pligg.
  7. bifri: Spanish [+22/07/06]
  8. Biooz: NEW! French Pligg, biodiversity. [+7/07/07]
  9. Blogitic: French Pligg, national and international politics. [+17/03/07]
  10. chuza.org: Galician, general.
  11. ciudadastur: Spanish, for asturian news. [31/08/06]
  12. Colivia: German. [+10/03/07]
  13. concursae: Spanish, for contests in Spain and South America. [23/03/07]
  14. Diggar.se: Swedish [+10/07/06]
  15. diggba: Chinese.
  16. Digg.lv: Latvia (thank you hellijs)
  17. DoMelhor: Portugesee digg-style for news.
  18. DjSessions: for DJ, music related stories.
  19. Electrovesti: Pligg, Russian. [+10/02/07]
  20. Enchilame: For Mexican politics and technology. [+02/07/06]
  21. Enosotras: Only for Shes. [+02/07/06]
  22. eucurti.com.br: general, Portugesee
  23. Geritsel in het struikgewas: Dutch for belgium news. [+13/10/06]
  24. hazmereir: Meneame, Spanish for news. [+20/04/07]

  25. li> hipootecas: Spanish for mortage. [+13/10/06]
  26. Ingeniando: Architecture, Spanish.
  27. ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
  28. InterNetMedia.hu: general, Hungarian
  29. joomla.com.es: Joomla, CMS, Spanish.
  30. K2W: Spanish, technology. [+26/02/07]
  31. kerro.fi: Finish. [+03/11/06]
  32. kackyou.de: German for videos. [+06/11/06]
  33. KUDD.net: Thai Pligg. [+26/02/07]
  34. Ladrillos y bits: Spanish for arcitchture related. [+13/10/06]
  35. Laberbrett: German pligg
  36. Lesr: German, general. [via] [+13/10/06]
  37. linkk.com.br: technology, Portugese
  38. livedigg: Chinese diggstyle for news.[via]
  39. Marchate: Spanish for Travel.
  40. Marketingrama.info: French for merketing using an Andreasviklund theme. [+17/07/06]
  41. MENÉAME: Spanish, for blogs. The original source of Pligg.
  42. menearailes.com: RubyonRails, Spanish.
  43. Microsia: Indonaesian Pigg. [+24/08/06]
  44. miopinion.com: general, Spanish.
  45. mipcdebolsillo: Mobile, wireless technology. Spanish.
  46. moongift Clip: Japanese Pligg for computer related. Side service to the moongift website.
  47. movilizame: Spanish for mobile related. [+13/10/06]
  48. mumor: Humour, Spanish.
  49. Mundo VoIP: VoIP, Spanish.
  50. neodiario.net: tecnologia, Spanish.
  51. noticias.fotoadictos.com: photography, Spanish.
  52. Noticias.Kesar.org: general, Spanish.
  53. Numarketing: Dutch, marketing/advertising. [+10/03/07]
  54. Open Source: OpenSource, Japanese
  55. Ouvi Dizer: general, Portugesee
  56. paeva.net: general, Estonian
  57. Pezones Negros: Spanish. Human rights, manipulation, abuse, ... [31/08/06]
  58. Rauru-block.org: Japanese, for technology where each entry has trackback.
  59. Horno Recetaria: Spanish, cooking, recipies.
  60. Shaveh.co.il: general, Hebrew.
  61. Sovrat: Swedish. [+26/02/07]
  62. TapeMoi!: French digg-style for news.
  63. Tollbo: Swedish, videos. [+10/03/07]
  64. Tùniti: Spanish, for comics, manga.
  65. Tuteame: general, Spanish.
  66. TV adictos: Spanish, for television.
  67. Viadescape: journalism, Spanish.
  68. Votala: general, Spanish.
  69. Vous et la RATP: NEW! French Pligg, RAPT (french transportion). [+7/07/07]
  70. wykop.pl: Polish digg like with gravatar support. [+02/08/06][via]
  71. ygriega.net: Spanish, for leisure.
  72. Zabaldu: Basque, general.

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  1. AnnoyingCoworker.com: Write public Messages about coworkers most annoying habits and get it rated or email it anonymously.
  2. aworldofhelp: Q&A and link submission, requires to login to see the rating button.
  3. Cluztr beta: For chatting and more, instead of voting buttond shows how many users are on a page. English [+20/04/07]
  4. Exclaimable!: For creating media where viewers can vote.[+11/11/06]
  5. Listible!: for listing where voting resorts each item, the most '+voted' links are at the top of the page. List commenting, not each item. Has tags. Listed also here
  6. hubpages.com: Same kind as the above, with Google adsense support. [+12/08/06]
  7. votelists: Same systeme as listible! with -/+ buttons. [+29/07/06]
  8. FARK.com: has no voting/rating system
  9. Gabbr: social news community with different concept.
  10. rssbit: Online RSS reader with digg like buttons showing number of subscribers. [+15/03/07]
  11. Kepty: Between Slashdot and digg, for writing and submitting. Rating only visible from comments page.
  12. Slashdot: An other kind of social news website. It also has submit and commenting, no digg like voting but karma points. Some Slashdot-likes are: OhMyNews, barrapunto Spanish (Spanish), SlashIndia (India).
  13. Tagtooga: Public bookmark dirctory with voting and many other features, see here.
  14. Trouw: Dutch, a map with social digg-like voting.
  15. SkimCSS: CSS related, used to use a digg like voting system, looks like pligg's skidoo style but now has drop down rating menus.
  16. SearchMob: A blog using pligg.
  17. walk2web: This is much more, it lets you 'walk the web' with tree visualization and preview...and up down voting of course. - Very cool!

↑ UP

For getting a digg clone yourself, see here

Have I missed any?
If you happen to see one missing, know a new digg like website startup or is starting one yourself, please le me know by leaving a comment. Thanks! Danke! Merci! :)

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You may also want to see:

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★★★★★ Digg is a social and democratic news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging and RSS where the users decide which story gets on the front page by voting.

Link thumbnails by lab.arc90.com

PS: Sorry, the commenting system on this post does not seem to function (235 comments is maybe too much?), meanwhile I try to access them please leave them on an other poste. Thank you.

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